Vulnerable Persons Policy for Empire Films Distribution Limited

Updated July 2023


1. Introduction:
This Vulnerable Persons Policy is designed to ensure that our UK Premium Rate Telephone Business operates in a responsible and ethical manner, with a particular focus on identifying and assisting vulnerable individuals who may use our services. We are committed to promoting consumer protection, ensuring customer well-being, and complying with all relevant laws and regulations.

2. Definitions:

a. Vulnerable Persons: Vulnerable individuals are those who, due to physical, mental, emotional, or financial conditions, may be at risk when using premium rate telephone services. This may include but is not limited to elderly persons, people with disabilities, individuals with mental health challenges, and those facing financial hardship.

3. Staff Training and Awareness:

a. Training: All employees shall receive training to recognize signs of vulnerability and understand their responsibilities in assisting and protecting vulnerable persons.

b. Awareness: Employees should be made aware of the potential challenges faced by vulnerable persons when using our services.

4. Identifying Vulnerable Persons:

a. Screening and Monitoring: We will implement procedures for screening and monitoring incoming calls to identify potential signs of vulnerability.

b. Customer Interaction: Customer service representatives should be attentive to signs of vulnerability during interactions and should follow established protocols for reporting such cases.

5. Assisting Vulnerable Persons:

a. Providing Support: When vulnerability is identified, our customer support team will provide additional support and guidance to the affected individuals.

b. Alternative Services: In some cases, where it is deemed appropriate, we may offer alternative or reduced-cost services to vulnerable persons.

6. Privacy and Data Protection:

a. Confidentiality: Information regarding the vulnerability of a customer should be handled with the utmost confidentiality and respect for their privacy.

7. Complaint Handling:

a. Complaint Resolution: We will have a specific process for handling complaints from vulnerable individuals, ensuring they are treated with care and urgency.

8. Billing Transparency:

a. Clear Billing: We will maintain transparent and easily understandable billing practices to protect vulnerable persons from unexpected charges.

9. Accessibility:

a. Accessible Services: We will ensure that our services and customer support are accessible to individuals with disabilities and other specific needs.

10. Regulatory Compliance:

a. Legal Requirements: We will comply with all relevant UK premium rate telephone service regulations related to the protection of vulnerable persons.

11. Reporting and Record-Keeping:

a. Incident Reporting: All instances of interaction with vulnerable persons and related actions taken should be documented and reported.

12. Continuous Improvement:

a. Review and Update: We will regularly review and update this policy to reflect changes in regulations and best practices.

13. Conclusion:

a. We are dedicated to protecting vulnerable persons who use our premium rate telephone services. This policy reflects our commitment to their well-being, and we will continually work to enhance and refine our approach to ensure that we provide a safe and supportive environment for all customers. We believe that by adhering to this policy, we can contribute to a more responsible and compassionate premium rate telephone business in the UK.

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